Spoken Malay for Elementary Speakers (A2)

At the end of this course, you are going to be able to:

  • talk about routines in more detail
  • talk about unintentional and unwanted actions using a prefix
  • talk about the weather and climate
  • describe about experiences
  • show response/reaction towards a situation the natural way
  • describe people, places and objects using a variety of adverbs
  • build more complex sentences with complex descriptions
  • use time-related expressions to talk more specifically about an action
  • use numbers to talk about dates and months the natural way
  • describe locations of an object, place or a person
  • talk about the house and building structure
  • use more rental vocabulary in conversations
  • communicate problems in the house or hotel room
  • use basic knowledge of wind directions
  • ask and respond to questions related to directions
  • widen vocabulary words using important affixes
  • talk about simultaneous actions
  • talk about the body and sickness
  • use more extensive vocabulary words to talk about extended family
  • make comparisons of different and similar quality of things

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